Victorian Furniture Store
Most upholstered Victorian furniture in antique shops is in very poor condition due to loose wood framework, loose springs, and deteriorating finish on the exposed wood. Our upholstered Victorian chairs have been completely disassembled, repaired, and re-glued. The exposed wood has been carefully stripped and refinished. New webbing has been put in and the original springs have been re-tied.

Before Restoration

Restoration in Progress

Restoration in Progress

Fully Restored

Before Restoration

Restoration in progress

Restoration in progress

Restoration in progress

Fully Restored
Set of two $1300
Custom order padding & fabric to complement your décor. Labor $195 plus material cost.

Before Restoration

Restoration in progress

Restoration in progress

Fully Restored
Custom order padding & fabric to complement your décor. Labor $195 each plus material cost.

Before Restoration

Restoration in progress

Restoration in progress

Fully Restored